Monday, September 28, 2009

Thoughts on "What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung

This blog was perfect to read for any future teacher. Mr. McClung does an amazing job of explaining his opinions and views on his first year of teaching. He gives many good pointers for future or even current teachers.
Teachers need to be worried about their students comprehension of material, not the way they deliver it. Don't get stuck teaching the same lesson for twenty years without any change. Change is good! It's good to continue growing and learning as an adult, especially if you're teaching children.
I believe, like Mr, McClung, that a great relationship with other teachers, parents, and especially students, is very important. If you don't know anything about a student, how can you teach them material in a way they understand. Not every child will understand like the next. It will take extra time and patience to get children on the same level. When you have a good relationship with the students. They won't be so embarrassed when there is a problem, of any kind.
Don't take everything so seriously. If something goes wrong in the class, don't get grumpy and stop everything you're doing. Instead, smile! Everything is okay-work it out and make it better. You don't to lose your cool in front of your students.
Just have fun and take the time to learn while you are teaching.

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