Monday, September 28, 2009

My Thoughts on "Randy Pausch's Last Lecture"

I watched the incredible video of Mr. Pausch's Last Lecture. He lived a great life, it seems. I found that he died July 2008 of Pancreatic Cancer. He did mention his cancer at the beginning of his lecture. The lecture, he explained, was if you knew you were delivering your last lecture, what would you say. He gave us a little bit of background information about his life, previous jobs, and goals. He had many dreams as a young child, and for the most part, achieved all of them (except playing for the NFL).
Enabling dreams is an incredible thing to do and being a teacher does just that. You are helping another person achieve what they want in their lifetime. Learning is very important. If you can find a way to have fun while learning, do it!
Focus on others, not yourself. Never lose your child-like wonder. Help others. All of these mentioned by Randy Pausch is something, in my mind, that a teacher does everyday. Some teachers lose their child-like wonder. These teachers that do lose it, are the boring teachers that are just there. I plan on making a difference to someone.
This lecture did impact me, as well as millions of other people. His point of view on life was different, probably because he just received a death sentence. It was an emotional video to watch. He didn't want to talk about his 3 children or wife that he would be leaving behind. But he did surprise his wife during one of his pointers. He said to not just think about yourself. Everyone could just worry about him at that moment, that he's dying of cancer, but he brought out an enormous cake for his wife's birthday. It made me cry!
The roles of parents, mentors, friends, and educators are very important in a child's life. As a teacher, I have the option to change someones life! It's amazing.

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